Virginia Leads When Virginia Learns.

Virginia Learns brings together business and education leaders with the shared goal of creating a more innovative and relevant public education system in Virginia serving all students. Business leaders know what will make students successful in today’s workforce and global economy, and educators know how to prepare them for it. By applying our collective expertise, we can evolve and support the K-12 classroom experience so that students graduate prepared for success in the 21st century world and workforce.

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Who Is
Virginia Learns?

Virginia Learns is a nonprofit and statewide education operating foundation. We started because of the need for a nonpartisan voice in education and a platform for amplifying, aligning, and advancing the needs and interests of students, the educator workforce, and the business community.

We bring together business and education leaders around shared interests in education and a common agenda to modernize Virginia public schools so that every student receives the education they need now and for the future.

Virginia Learns has four core values driving our direction and decisions. These values are as important to our organizational health as they are to the field efforts we start and support. At Virginia Learns we are:

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Our foundation pledges to prioritize student success
through four key activities.


Inform decisionmakers on pressing issues affecting Virginia public schools, educators, and students.


Influence policy and funding decisions to ensure every school has the supports necessary for students to receive an education that meets their needs and prepares them for the future.


Initiate partnerships across and between business and education leaders to ensure student learning and preparation is supported in school, at home, in community, and at work.


Invest in changemakers, places, and programs, ensuring that education partnerships and change efforts have the start-up support, ongoing capacity, and sustaining power needed to achieve positive and transformational results.